Category Archives: Digital Analytics

Data Vs. Insights
In today’s data-driven world, we often hear terms like data and insights used interchangeably. However, there is a fundamental difference between these two concepts. In simple terms, data refers to raw facts and figures, while insights are meaningful interpretations and […]

Che libri consiglio a tema Dati e Analytics
Libri a tema Analytics e analisi dati

Examples of correlations that have nothing to do with causation
in this post and this one I described a couple of nice examples of correlation vs. causation cognitive biases. There are litterally hundreds out there that can be added. By doing a little search i came across a few nice […]

Is a KPI good or bad?
How to create your own KPI and live happily ever after. When trying to derive insights from a dataset and defining KPI the causality bias is a common error. Often it goes together with another common error: attributing an insight […]

The butterfly effect
How the Roman Empire influenced US rocket science (and why fact-checking is important!) The US standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches (143,51 cm). That’s an exceedingly odd number. Why was that gauge used? Because […]

Cognitive and data biases – the selection bias
When analyzing a dataset sometimes we are working with data that does not represent the reality but it’s the result of a seleciton. This means that the seleciton made before the analysis is already creating a data bias. For example […]

Occam’s razor principle
In one of my previus posts about cognitive biases I mentioned the Occam’s razor principle. When it comes to data insights this is sometimes a very useful principle to keep in mind because data does’nt give insights itself but we […]

Cognitive and data biases: the Confiramtion Bias
“if you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything”. Ronald H. Coase, British Economist When working with a big dataset it’s easy to fall into the confirmation bias. We are looking for some insights, and usually what […]

Cognitive Bias – Survivorship Bias – Part 2
In Turin there is an ancient church named Santuario della Consolata (its full name is “Chiesa di Santa Maria della Consolazione”), it’s origin dates back to the XVII century. The interior is very rich, with gold inlays everywhere on the […]

The Causality Bias – The black cars crashes
So after reading the Bananas Diet post we are now familiar with the causality bias concept. Another example of causailty bias i came across a few years ago for the first time is the black car crashes one. Articles like […]

The Causality Bias – The Bananas diet
What does Bananas and Black cars have in common? why correlation does not imply causality?

Cognitive and data biases: Survivorship Bias
What’s a data bias? Why one of the most common one is called “survivor bias”? what’s a romanic bridge? And what does it have to do with WWII allies planes?

Data Preparation
In my previous post about data visualization I have focused on different ways to present a dataset, however a very important aspect that we always underestimate and do not consider as fundamental is the data preparation one. It is widely […]

Data Visualization
A few months ago (i just realized while typing it’s almost already a year ago) i took an R course to learn how it can help with data visualization, and i have to admit it has been quite useful even […]

The Digital Analytics impossible triangle
When making a choice for virtually anything in your life you will have to ponderate the pros and cons, especially if you are the type of person like me that likes to create lists. Usually the choice between items to […]

Matomo Analytics (On Premise) so far.
My experience with Matomo Analytics is moving forward now and i’ve ditched the Cloud version to test the OnPremise version. Since there are two option i chose to opt for the WordPress version, as i thought it would be much […]

Time to Google for an alternative Analytics? (ITALIAN)
L’uso dei dati di prima parte è un must per fare del buon marketing ma i numerosi cambiamenti previsti in merito all’uso di Google Analytics in Europa hanno scosso profondamente il mondo digital e gli addetti ai lavori (aka marketer). […]

Cookie Apocalypse: will there be an happy ending? (ITALIAN)
Come convivere in uno scenario tecnologico sempre più complesso senza per questo sacrificare il ruolo dei dati nei processi decisionali? Durante il workshop tenuto in occasione di Netcomm Forum Extended 2021, ho risposto a questa domanda con un approfondimento sulle […]

Marketing Automation 2.0 (ITALIAN)
Qui il mio workshop al “WAW – Web Analytics World” su come dare un valore strategico al business aziendale sfruttando i dati.

About the EU cookie law.
This video explains well what the EU cookie law means.

Tagging is tagging… right?
One page tagged, 6 Web Analytics tools configured… one table comparing results So, tagging is tagging, right? If i tag a page with multiple tags i expect the Analytics reports to be in-line, and if not that at least the […]

Cookies or not Cookies?
Let’s compare: will surfing with cookie be faster or slower in our day to day?

Cookie Opt-out is the alternative
Cookie Opt-out: a smarter way to go!

Web Browser’s History
Here is an interesting infographic to visually see how Opera doesn’t grow nor shrink over time… will it be like in the Highlander movie? “There can be only one!” ??? 🙂

Zombie Cookies
“Zombie” Cookies are a perfect example of a badly used technology I’ve recently found this news on Wired about a USA lawsuit against some major USA websites that seems to use Flash cookies to re-set browser’s cookies (the standard cookies […]

what a coincidence!!!
I was surfing on an italian well-known website the other day and i came across something that dragged my attention: there was a video preview of the Nintendo 3DS. So i’ve started watching and i’ve noticed something funny: on the […]

Newspaper 2.0
Just a year ago I wouldn’t imagine the future of print to be so close. Am i talking about the iPad? noooooo, that’s way too old… this is the real new technology to read newspapers! I wonder how they are […]

LaCie Little Disk
Yesterday i was window-shopping and i’ve bumped into this cute little thing. I couldn’t resist and i had to buy one. It’s a 30 GB external USB 2.0 hard-drive. Still I couldn’t make up my mind: is it a large USB […]

Where do you go?
http://www.wheredoyougo.net/ is a nice tool that you can youse in conjunction with your foursquare account. What? you don’t know yet what http://foursquare.com/ is??? you better go and do your homework because people believe it’s TNBT (the next big thing) and i tend to agree… […]

…more on the Bit.ly post
Following up on my previous post about bit.ly not checking for click-fraud and as i’ve recieved some comment about the “proof-less” post, here is a screenshot i took this morning. It’s clear (and i hope you’ll trust me on this […]

About QR codes
So, what’s this and why is it interesting? So this is called QR code. Here is the official denso-wave website dedicated to the QR code (as they have invented it, it’s the best place to get its specs from http://www.denso-wave.com/qrcode/index-e.html). Maybe […]

bit.ly and the missing click-fraud detection
For the few people that yet don’t know it, here is the short explenation about what is http://bit.ly and why i believe it is useful. If you are familiar with Twitter you might also be aware that you can’t always fit into 140 […]

Don’t be Evil…(not?)
A great infographic video on Google.. maybe it’s a bit exagerated on the tones, but gives a sense on how big they are….

Is Bigger Always Better?
I’ve decided, instead of writing hundreds of words about the theory, i’ll just paste here a couple of graphs. Here is the first one: Which days of the above week is better? The bigger one is the 4th, that’s the […]

Dear Support…(ACME company!)
OFFICIAL ESCALATION PROCESS (e-mail / ticketing system): [me] dear support, today i’ve tried to login to my laptop and it tells me that my username / password is not correct. Could you please help me? Please reply to this mail […]

About media tracking and tagging
Nielsen//NetRatings – Scott Ross talks about Video Tagging In this interview gave to beet.tv Scott Ross talks about Nielsen//NetRatings Video Tagging and how to track properly the long tail with more depth. He describes both top-down and bottom-up approaches, and explains how VideoCensus works.

Google SiteMaps – keywords statistics (ITALIAN)
Per quanto non molto intuitivo (parlo di me, ma anche google sitemaps in questo caso!) sono riuscito ad ottenere lo stesso tipo di informazioni a cui accennavo ieri (parole chiave usate per arrivare al mio blog): mi limito a riportare […]

Dimmi cosa cerchi e ti dirò…
…se hai trovato quello che hai cercato. Prendendo spunto dall’ultimo post ho fatto alcune considerazioni sulle informazioni che si possono trarre da un report che mostra quali sono le parole/frasi che hanno portato traffico al mio blog. Certo i numeri […]

Web Analytics Metrics – Glossario #1
Page Impression / page view (o pagina vista per dirlo all’italiana) Per cominciare diamo un occhiata a quale definizione viene riportata nel glossario del sito IAB a questo indirizzo: http://www.iab.it/formati/glossario/detail.aspx?TRS_ID=1667000&ID=2591 “Pagina richiesta da un visitatore di un sito che viene scaricata interamente dal […]

Google Analytics… alcune riflessioni
Ho ricevuto alcune domande da parte di conoscenti e clienti in merito a Google Analytics e ho deciso che il blog fosse la sede più adatta a questo tipo di riflessioni. Nel mio ruolo professionale devo essere aggiornato sul mondo […]